
Fear and the Magic of Tango

The Argentine tango is often used as an image of passion. There is something simultaneously sexy and deadly in the image of this dance. Balancing on the edge of insanity and the highest point of sensuality.

It surprises me how actively members of the tango community are trying to break such an established stereotype. First of all, the Argentine tango is not so sexy and passionate. The embodiment of the image of dancers is well within the basic steps and obligatory ganchos. Secondly, the tango is actually very restrained and calm. No sudden movements and beautiful poses. Third, no peak experiences. You have to dance for hours on end and distribute your energy properly.

As a result, the beautiful spectacular stylization of the tango on stage is despised by members of the pseudo-professional social dance community. The use of neotango elements lets the connoisseurs know that the lack of technique. And excessive passion is a sign of beginners.

Pair dancing, like any other dance, shows us at our best. The use of cosmetics does not change the real face when used properly. Likewise, dancing puts accents where we want and can afford them. We put on a tango look like any costume and begin to feel a different nature of our feeling in the world. Not the costume itself, but our inner world begins to show itself through the image. Tango allows us to do this more expressively than we can afford in real life.

The understanding of the aesthetics of beautiful movement, as well as the literate speech is a tool that must be constantly worked on and improved. It is not a reason to be proud of being a lisp and proudly showing off inarticulate steps on the dance floor. On the contrary, it repulses those who are inspired by the image of tango from the realities of milonga.

Death Tango
The popular image of the last tango is known to many. It’s hard to imagine any other dance at this point so organically. The last salsa? The last waltz?

Indeed the tango can be danced one last time as the last dance after which the curtain will fall. Under this music, many dancers are happy to go to the dance floor and feel something important about themselves and the world. An extemporaneous state and real metaphysics in literally 5 minutes in the arms of a stranger. Fans of Heidegger might feel an affinity for the practical application of his transcendence through the experience of horror and the sense of death. Quite an existential experience for modern man.
dancing the tango

Many dances have their roots in ancient initiation rites. The logic is simple: the current member of the human race dies, and in its place a new one is born in a new quality. This is how the archaic and ancient code works, which we do not feel and do not understand. Weddings, funerals and birthdays are surrounded by a huge number of rituals in which we accept a symbolic death and continue to live in a new quality.